Monday, February 1, 2010

For everyone interested in theatre around the Denver area.

I have decided to start this blog because I believe there is a dearth of people writing about Denver theatre. I think that most of my posts will be reviews but I will probably also make some posts about interesting things that are happening such as awards, features, etc. With the demise of the Rocky Mountain News I believe there is room for another friendly critic or perhaps more importantly an advocate of the theatre.

A little about me: I love the theatre passionately, both musical, straight plays and experimental. I have an educational background in theatre criticism but pursued other arts jobs because I did not want to be disliked (or feared) by the very people I admire. I am a Denver native but have worked in professional theatres all over the country and even internationally. Because of my close relationship with many theatre companies and professionals throughout Denver I choose to remain anonymous. My goal is not to use the anonymity in a vicious or malevolent way. Quite the contrary, I choose to write this blog to support live theatre and be a strong advocate for local companies.

1 comment:

  1. Would love for you to come to one of the upcoming productions at The Aurora Fox...

    The Graduate (on our mainstage),
    February 12-March 14 and
    ZORA (in our Studio Theatre),
    February 19-March 14

    It's good to have another 'voice' starting a dialogue in the theatre community. Good or bad, we welcome input and feedback. From that, we can grow and make wiser/more informed choices and decisions about artistic direction, programming and philosophy.

    Thank you.
